Monthly Archives: June 2014



Sunday, June 15 3pm-5pm at 3685 rue Hutchison

On Feb 3, 2014, during a Plateau-Mount-Royal borough meeting, Project Montreal voted to destroy Parc Oxygène and replace it with a condo project.
Local residents spent 25 years creating, maintaining and defending the park. Four years in power and Project Montreal did nothing to help. Then they stabbed us in the back. But the fight to save Parc Oxygène is not over.

Local residents will fight in the courts and use creative resistance on the ground to stop the condo project. If you want to help save Parc Oxygène, please contact us. Whose city? Whose neighbourhoods? Ours! NO BULLDOZERS! NO CONDOS! Defend Parc Oxygène! Long live the park!


Open registration for the website

The CMP website now has an 'open registration' policy, meaning anyone within the community can register as a member of Just click on the link 'Members area' up top, fill out the required areas of the form, and a password will be sent to the email address you give in the form. The email you receive soon after will redirect you to the registration page, where you can log in with your user name and password as a member. The CMP reserves the right to ban any member who does not fit the criteria of being a member of the community or is abusive to other members, so behave yourselves!


Click here to register now!

Win a Nexus 7 tablet!


Door prize for Fête des Voisins

Fête desVoisins has received sponsorship from Bell Canada in the form of a brand new Nexus 7 tablet. The Fête des Voisins committee aims to encourage the community to register at the CMP's website, so we will be giving it away as a door prize.

Get a second chance to win by signing up to the website of the CMP. ( If you are already registered , pick up your ticket at the CMP,'s table, in the alley Jeanne- Mance and Saturday during the day ) .

Contest Rules:

1) All persons who participate in community dinner Neighbours Day are eligible, except Richard Phaneuf, and the manager and board members of the CMP.

2) A ticket will be given to each participant during supper and draw will take place after dinner.

3) During the day the CMP will have a table where members of the CMP ( tenant, member or employee of a coop or group within the CMP) interested can register at the CMP website . This registration gives access to the members only section . Each person who registers will receive a raffle ticket.

4) People who are already registered to the site can go to the table of the CMP during the day and will also receive a ticket.

Neighbour’s Day (Fête des voisins) June 7, 2013



It's that time of year again! Our annual Neighbour's Day will be happening on June 7, 2014 in the alley between Jeanne-Mance and Ste. Famille south of Prince Arthur (June 14th in case of rain). Everyone is invited! Here is the itinerary for the day:



09 :00

Volunteers meet at the banner beside Depanneur Lindell's to get the tables

10:00 - 13 :00

Games in the alley for the kids

10:00 - 14:00

Garage sale

11:00 - 13:00

Community tables

11:00 - 13:00

Corn roast, hot dogs, ice cream

11:00 - 16:00

Mural (parents, kids and artist are welcome to participate!)

11:00 - 14:30

Face painting

11:30 - 15:30

Magician Philippe Thériault

12:00 - 15 :00

Music by McGill Radio CKUT

14:00 -  17:00

Open Mic

15 :30


16 :00



Meet in the alley for sangria

18:30 - 20:30

Potluck dinner with musical accompaniment

20 :00 – 21:00

Brazilian music with  Marlei Pozzebon and friends


Film projection

We need your help to contribute to the success of Neighbour's Day! For those with cars in the alley, please have them removed for the by by 9AM, and for those with courtyards, decorating your courtyards with Christmas lights will help  illuminate the alley at dusk and create a festive atmosphere . For those who will be joining us for dinner, please identify any of your dishes or bowls so you can recover them afterwards more easily . We may also be missing between 50 and 100 seats. Thank you , if you are able to bring some.

Thank you for your participation and your cooperation!

The members of the organizing committee and volunteers:

Richard Phaneuf, Charles Primeau , Gisèle Gélineau , Regan Cooper Hamza Lakrout Cathy McIninch Murphy, Chris Kennedy, Louis -Erik Rose Terrence Regan, Rhina Escoto , Jean -Claude Mousteli Sonia Nizza , Sonya Olthof , Rym Jisr , Kate Hortop , Jorge Vidal , Angel Martinez, Pascale St- Jean , Mélanie Ménard , Olivia Torres, Sascha Astles , James Belliard, Khylawndra , Tajmierah

Our sponsors:

Ville de Montréal, Restaurant Amelio, Restaurant St-Hubert, Restaurant Alto, Cinéma du Parc, Association récréative de Milton-Parc, Bell Canada, Starbucks, Second Cup,, Metro, le Centre Écologie Urbain, Marché Lobo, Dépanneur Lindell, Service d’accueil Centre Multiethnique St-Louis, Bar et terrace Heilo, Uniprix, Le Plateau Montréal, Societé de Développement Communautaire Milton Parc


The list of community groups involved in the funding of the Milton Park Neighbour's Day:

Coop Concerto, Coop Du Chez Soi, Coop du Nordet, Coop La Petite Cité, Coop La Tour des Alentours, Coop l'Alliance, Coop Les Colonnes, Coop Les Jardins Coop Les Tourelles, Coop Marguerite Morris, Coop Milton Parc, Coop Rue des artistes, Coop Ste Famille, Corporation d'Habitation Porte Jaune, Le Centre Amaryllis, Le Centre d’écologie urbain, Société d'Habitation Chambrelle, Société Habitation 55-65,Village Jeanne Mance et 3510 et al.

You can join our Facebook group!